I was seeing a chiropractor for severe back pain and was not able to get extended relief. They recommended Dr Sim and I am glad they did. I got an office visit the same day and he explained in detail why i was in so much pain. I then started injections for pain relief. All of my office visits and outpatient visits were on time with no delays. He was by far the best Dr. I had dealt with during a very difficult time.
Great Doctor!
I had previously had surgery on my back in 2011 which was successful however I had on-going pain. I had exhausted all options- PT, exercise, chiropractic care and acupuncture. He talked to me and explained options that no one else had mentioned. We moved forward with Facet Joint Nerve Block. All of my interactions with the office and Dr. Sim have been positive. I am on my way to feeling better!
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