I had the worst experience with Dr. Amit Patel, he punctured my lung during steroid injection. He said the procedure is save, because he is using ultrasound. Hour after the procedure I felt stabbing pain on the right side. I called the office the next morning the associate said the doctor will call me back later, I called again an hour later hoping to talk with the doctor, the lady said he'll give me a call as soon as possible. No one gave me a call back from that office. I ended up in the hospital for 3 days.
Stefanie P
very nice
I have managed chronic pain from a ruptured disc and another herniated disc effectively without surgery thanks to Dr. Patel. His treatments have been non-invasive and limited discomfort and I'm grateful to have found him. He's very nice and doesn't rush you out of the room as well. My husband and I both see him.
Andrew M.
I would highly recommend Dr. Patel. They got me in quickly, the front office personnel are very capable and nice, Nurse, Molly is very nice, quick, and competent with a very soothing bedside manner. Dr. Patel is most knowledgeable with impeccable academics and training. He explained everything well and let me know he is there to help me with real world solutions to tough long standing medical issues. His bedside manner is the best I've experienced.
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