Can Stem Cells Help With Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)?

Stem cell therapy is a regenerative treatment used to heal injured or diseased tissue. Since stem cells can regenerate into virtually any type of cell, their potential is near-limitless, and researchers believe that they’ll one day be widely used for Alzheimer’s disease, paralysis, and other severe conditions. But, can stem cells be used to help with traumatic brain injury or TBI?
Keep reading to learn more about stem cells for TBI.
Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is the leading cause of injury-related deaths and disability in the world. It occurs when a sudden external force, like a severe blow or bump to the head, damages the brain. A TBI can be closed, meaning that it doesn’t penetrate the skull, or open, meaning that it does penetrate the skill.
TBIs can cause a range of neurological symptoms, depending on the severity of the injury. Unfortunately, patients with moderate and severe TBIs are at risk of permanent brain damage and disability.
Stem Cells For Traumatic Brain Injury
Various clinical studies have shown that stem cell therapy can benefit patients with traumatic brain injury. Though stem cells can’t reverse the effects of the primary injury, they can prevent the progression of a TBI.
A 2020 study found that stem cell therapy effectively reduces neuronal cell death and inflammation after a TBI. These effects lead to improved cognitive and motor functions as the patient recovers.
Ultimately, stem cell therapy shows promise as a method of regenerating damaged brain tissue after a TBI. Though further research is required to overcome the long-term effects of stem cells in TBI patients, this regenerative treatment may revolutionize the treatment of potentially-disabling neurological injuries.
To learn more about stem cell therapy, use our extensive database to find a regenerative doctor near you.