Dr. Shelly King is an amazing chiropractor. Her knowledge of the nervous system, fascial system, anatomy and kinesiology is unparalleled. She treats her patients with care and professionalism yielding incredible results. I highly recommend visiting Dr. King for all of your chiropractic needs.
Cindy C
Thank you
It's difficult to replace a great chiropractor when you find one you like. I think Dr. King has the knowledge, but he is so busy that he doesn't seem to have the time to listen to concerns when treatment isn't working. I informed him of what treatments I have responded to with my former doctor where I used to live, but he doesn't apply the same ones, so I struggle. I miss the personal care and feeling of my doctor being interested in my health and not just being a number. Although I have never NOT paid my bills on
Alissa K.
extremely friendly and personable
Dr King is very personal and professional. He talked to me in a way I could understand what he was saying. The whole staff were extremely friendly and personable. So blessed I have found King Family Chiropractic!!!!❤️❤️❤️
Amy B
Dr. Annie is the best!
Dr. Annie is the best! She's quick and thorough and does not make you feel like to have to keep coming back for treatments you don't need. She treats the exact problem and is always there when I need a follow-up.
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