Dr. Alexander Kulick

Dr. Alexander Kulick utilizes extensive range of treatment options including integrative medicine and pain management in NYC. His focus is on both the physical progress as well as the emotional well being of his patients. His state-of-the-art clinic offers relief treatments as well as education to patients with acute and chronic pain. Patients receive an independent medical evaluation from the doctor, an analysis of their pain syndromes and a treatment solution tailored to individual needs.

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  • For-profit or non-profit? For Profit
  • Size 10-50
  • Cost $$$
  • Average length of stay 4 hours
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  • Pain management
Read Patient Reviews For Dr. Alexander Kulick
  • Thank you
    I originally went to Dr. Kulick because of excruciating chronic shoulder pain (likely due to “computer-mouse” work from working 10-12 hour days for several years). The pain was so great I was unable to sleep and using the arm was painful. He treated that pain with Trigger Point Injections and Mesotherapy. Within 5 treatments I was able to sleep and the pain had substantially reduced. I no longer have shoulder pain. I was also suffering with chronic migraines for over eight years and seeing several neurologists to help me mange the headaches, nothing improved, either to relieve the symptoms or
  • Thank you
    Dr Kulick is an amazingly gifted doctor who uses advanced treatments to pinpoint the source of the pain and kill it. I had seen many doctors before him and all failed to treat it and only wanted to resort to a risky surgery. I can't praise him enough.
  • AMAZING!!!!
    Dr Kulick is an amazingly gifted doctor who uses advanced treatments to pinpoint the source of the pain and kill it. I had seen many doctors before him and all failed to treat it and only wanted to resort to a risky surgery. I can't praise him enough.

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