Dr. Bradford Bellard
Dallas, TX

A sports medicine physician and athletic concussion specialist. Dr. Bellard’s experience as both an emergency medicine physician and former assistant team physician to professional (Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins AHL hockey team) and high-level collegiate athletes (Bucknell, Wilkes, Misericordia universities) has allowed him to evaluate the injured athlete in a complete and comprehensive fashion. As a non-operative sports medicine physician, Dr. Bellard has the skills necessary to evaluate, diagnose, and treat musculoskeletal injuries and arthritic conditions of patients ranging all levels of activity and competition. As a general musculoskeletal specialist he offers injection therapy, fracture care, rehabilitation and physical therapy protocols to treat injuries. In addition, Dr. Bellard uses current musculoskeletal ultrasound technology to assist in diagnosis and treatment strategies. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is an area of particular interest of Dr. Bellard.

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About Dr. Bradford Bellard
  • Gender Male
  • Hospital Affiliations Texas Sports Medicine and Orthopaedic Group
  • Certifications American Board of Emergency Medicine
  • Emergency Medicine
  • PRP Therapy

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