Dr. David Regan
Portland , OR

Dr. Regan specializes in medical oncology and hematology. He treats all types of cancers with a special focus in hematology and hematologic malignancies.Education plays an important role in his treatment philosophy. He wants all patients to understand what’s going on in their bodies, including the mechanisms and evolution of their disease. With a warm and friendly perspective infused with humor, Dr. Regan helps his patients maintain a positive outlook even in tough times.

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About Dr. David Regan
  • Gender Male
  • Hospital Affiliations Providence Portland Medical Center ,Providence St. Vincent Medical Center, Providence Willamette Falls Medical Center
  • Certifications American Board of Internal Medicine
  • Medical oncology
  • Hematolog
  • Internal medicine

Read Patient Reviews For Dr. David Regan
  • Dr. Regan is very personable
    Dr. Regan is very personable, kind and caring. I have been with him for many years. Sometimes the wait is a little long to see him, but he is worth the wait! I trust him and his opinion. He hasn't steered me wrong!

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