Dr. Robert Dean
Tampa, FL

Dr. Robert Dean has specialized in diagnosis and treatment of spine and other traumatic injuries since 1997. He is Board Certified in Internal Medicine. Since establishing his Medical Injury Center, Dr. Dean has helped hundreds of patients recover from extreme injuries and given numerous talks on spinal injuries at various medical conferences. He participated in a humanitarian trip to Antigua, treated post-travel illnesses at the Tropical Medical Clinic and collaborated on research into women with HIV in Mexico City. Dr. Dean recently brought his knowledge and passion to the small screen as creator, writer and host of a new TV show titled Cures for Mankind.

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About Dr. Robert Dean
  • Gender Male
  • Hospital Affiliations Advanced Regenerative Orthopedics
  • Certifications American Board of Internal Medicine
  • Internal Medicine
  • Traumatic Injury
  • Diagnosis Treatment
  • Spine Treatment

Read Patient Reviews For Dr. Robert Dean
  • Dr. Dean is a wonderful doctor!!!
    Dr. Dean is an incredibly smart & caring doctor. Every time I've ever visited his office his staff was great and his care to my injuries was amazing. I would recommend my friends & family to him with out a doubt. I am confused about these other reviewers as he never once spoke negatively about any surgeons or other physicians in fact quite the contrary. Dr. Dean is a wonderful doctor!!!
  • caring and compassionate
    I have gone to Dr Dean for many years with a very complicated medical history and can tell you on 3 occasions I have been treated by specialist which could not find my problem and on all three occasions I ended up going to Dr Dean after giving up with specialist and hospitals to only find a simple solution and was treated in the utmost caring and responsible treatment.
  • Calm and reassuring
    Calm and reassuring, he answers questions and spends time explaining what is to be done.

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