Dr. Scott Greenberg specializes in holistic and comprehensive approaches to sports medicine, regenerative orthopedics, chronic pain, arthritis, and post-concussion syndrome. Using methods such as prolotherapy, PRP, and stem cell therapy, he has had great success in treating patients from around the world with a wide variety of problems. A world-renowned prolotherapy physician, Dr. Greenberg counts many Olympic athletes and professional sports stars among his patients. He performs approximately 4,000 procedures each year, and has treated many star/MVP athletes from team, such as the Philadelphia Flyers, Philadelphia Eagles, Philadelphia Phillies, Philadelphia 76ers, Baltimore Ravens, San Francisco 49ers, New England Patriots, Toronto Blue Jays, and the Colorado Avalanche. He has also performed procedures on many well-known names, such as former Surgeon General of the United States, a gymnastics world champion and several Chinese diplomats. However every patient, no matter who they are, are treated with compassion, kindness and like family.
Contact This Doctor06-08-2017