Dr. Nicholas Scott is double board-certified in physical medicine and rehabilitation and pain medicine. Dr. Scott currently practices at our Downtown Phoenix and Scottsdale clinics.
PM&R Medical Student of the Year – UMSOM – 2006-2007
Medical School Trustee’s Scholarship – UMSOM – 7/2003-5/2007
Regent’s Scholarship – UC Davis – 9/2000-6/2002
Dean’s Honor List – UC Davis – 9/2000-6/2002
Black Belt (Shodan), Judo, Chuka Yudanshaki – 4/2000
Captain/All-American/Scholastic All-CIF Selection H.S. Wrestling Team – 2/1997
High School Wrestling Team League Champions – 2/1997
This office is a joke! Dr. Scott may be your doctor but he does not actually see you unless you stomp your feet and demand to see him and then and only then will you see him after you first see the PA or NP....then he steps on the room for maybe a minute if that. His lame concern is hi Dr. Scott how can I help? Really?! Your suppose to be my pain specialist did you not even bother to read my records he didn't even have the courtesy to actually close the door and sit down to discuss
Jeff C.
Thank you
appreciated the attentiveness of the staff and the time the Doctor spent with me
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