Pain Management Through Stem Cell Therapy

You don’t have to suffer any longer. Stem cell therapy is providing relief for all types of pain in your body.

Pain Relief Stem Cells

Pain is a chronic and unrelenting health problem for many people around the world. Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and a variety of life-long sustained injuries can all contribute to terrible pain that interrupts daily life and causes long-term suffering. Far too many people have been forced to accept pain as a way of life, surrendering hopes of a manageable quality of living. Until recently, very few treatments dealt with the true root causes of chronic pain; instead, they offered only palliative solutions to hide and mask pain that still existed.

The regenerative medicine movement is changing all of that by offering sustainable and life-long pain management options for patients who are anxious and eager for a groundbreaking solution. Regenerative medicine for pain management is founded on the idea that chronic pain can be eliminated when the body’s diseased tissues and organs are provided with the right tools to rebuild and restore themselves. Today, these tools include stem cell therapy and platelet-rich plasma. The ultimate goal is to help the body use its own natural healing mechanisms to alleviate pain and repair injuries.

Stem cell therapy harnesses the body’s stem cells that are able to divide indefinitely into different types of cells, like lung tissue or skin tissue. The stem cells are injected into the injured site to jumpstart and support the body’s natural healing process, eventually eliminating the pain caused by injury or illness.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), on the other hand, can heal damaged joints and soft tissue to help alleviate chronic pain. A patient’s blood is placed in a centrifuge that safely increases the concentration of blood platelets. Since these platelets contain growth factors, they are vital to the healing process. When PRP is injected back into a patient’s body, the new potent supply of platelets assists the body’s healing process naturally.

While some patients need only one treatment to ensure results, others respond best to two or three injections of PRP or stem cells. Results occur gradually, as the body works with its newfound ability to heal and regenerate. This process is possible for chronic pain in the shoulder, back, knee, foot, and joint.

Shoulder Pain Management

The shoulder’s ball and socket structure makes it one of the most mobile parts of the body, but that mobility often leads to injuries and recurring pain. Fortunately, it is no longer true that shoulder pain can only be treated with surgery, steroid injections, and opioids. Regenerative medicine now offers a number of solutions that offer relief to shoulder pain through means of natural healing.

Arthritis of the shoulder joint, labrum tears, rotator cuff tears and tendonitis, and shoulder dislocations can all be handled using regenerative medicine. PRP and stem cell treatments both utilize a patient’s own cells to repair damaged shoulder tissue so true healing can occur. These regenerative medicine techniques not only avoid the risks of harsher surgical and drug options, but they also address the underlying problem instead of focusing only on the symptoms.

Back Pain

The back is one of the most common sources of chronic pain, especially the lower back. Herniated disks, spinal stenosis, injuries, and scoliosis are all known to cause chronic back pain and result in stiffness, decreased movement, and an overall lower quality of life. While painkillers and prescriptions can mask back pain, and back braces and heat therapy can reduce the pain, regenerative medicine techniques can help the injured portions of the back heal entirely.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and stem cell therapy offer much needed alternatives to painful and risky back surgery in order to resolve and alleviate chronic back pain. Stem cells can be injected into degenerated discs to create cartilage cells that regenerate the disc and eliminate disc-related back pain, while PRP can be injected directly into the area of pain to intensify the body’s natural efforts to repair and replace the damaged tissue causing so much trouble.

Knee Pain

Chronic knee pain is a widespread problem that commonly limits the ability to walk, bend, or extend the leg. The majority of pain stems from either acute injuries like a torn meniscus or ligament, medical conditions such as arthritis and infections, or chronic conditions including osteoarthritis, tendinitis, and bursitis. Standard medical treatment is reactive to knee pain rather than proactive: medications, physical therapy, and corticosteroid injections all respond to existing knee pain to alleviate symptoms without solving the root problem.

Regenerative medicine is transforming the potential for truly resolving chronic knee pain. Stem cell therapy treatment aims to repair cartilage in the knee by naturally seeking out damaged tissue and transforming into cartilage cells that can repair the damage. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is also valuable in alleviating knee pain because it contains growth factors that assist with the rapid development of new cartilage, ligaments, and tendons.

In addition to eliminating the need for hospitalization and surgery, regenerative medicine can be utilized to proactively prevent chronic knee pain in patients on the track toward osteoarthritis and other common knee conditions. These treatments give the body the tools it needs to heal.

Foot Pain

Plantar fasciitis, an inflammation of the ligament connecting the heel bone to the toes, is a common cause of foot pain for athletes and those with degenerative foot problems. This frustrating condition can severely inhibit physical movement, but traditional medicine offers very few solutions. Stretching is considered the best method of healing, but it can take months or even years for the inflammation to subside. Steroid injections, physical therapy, and surgery are all equally ineffective possibilities.

Regenerative medicine alternatives harness platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and stem cell therapy to not only alleviate the pain caused by plantar fasciitis, but also to heal the foot and resolve the inflammation altogether! PRP and/or stem cells can be injected directly into the plantar fasciitis to reverse the degenerative process that impacts the plantar fascia and generated chronic foot pain. Relief is possible in as little as two days to two weeks, and the majority of patients can return to normal athletic activities without any hindrances.

Joint Pain

Joints forge connections between bones, and with 206 bones in the adult body, joints serve a vital purpose. Since they provide support and movement, joint damage and disease leads to extreme pain and the inability to move freely. A wide variety of conditions generate joint pain, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and injuries. Whether in the hip, knee, ankle, shoulder, or other area of the body, joint pain can eventually become debilitating.

Medications, topical agents, steroid injections, and physical therapy are the most common solutions to joint pain, but they do not actively heal the joint or reverse the progression of diseases like arthritis. Regenerative medicine, on the other hand, can renew and repair joints and improve their function using PRP and stem cell therapy injections. Purified and concentrated platelets or stem cells are injected into damaged tissue to repair and regenerate painful joints. Regenerative medicine treatments allow people previously hindered by joint pain to return to the activities they love without the burden of chronic pain.

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