Specific Health Conditions that Can Be Treated with Regenerative Medicine

It could be argued that regenerative medicine may hold the keys to treating almost any medical condition. But the truth of the matter is that research is ongoing, and regenerative medicine cannot claim to heal most conditions. There could be hope of effectiveness, and some people do benefit; but these treatments are not widespread as a general rule.
There are, however, some health conditions being treated successfully and frequently with stem cells. The most common type of medicine using regenerative medicine every day is orthopedics. Although these treatments, too, are unapproved by the FDA and other involved government agencies, they are very widespread and proving to be highly effective.
Stem cells can be used in orthopedics to treat a number of conditions. In arthritis, stem cell therapy may slow the progression of the disease. In some patients, it even reverses or improves the condition of the joint. Regenerative medicine works in the treatment of arthritis because the stem cells injected into the joint work with the cells that are already there, starting new cell formation and cell growth. This means that the degeneration of the cartilage and tissues are stopped, or at least severely decreased.
Regenerative medicine is also being used in orthopedics to treat acute injuries that are not healing properly. This could include injuries such as a torn rotator cuff, meniscus tears, and ligament and tendon tears or strains. It could also include repetitive injuries, such as carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, and others.
If you are interested in using regenerative medicine to treat your health condition, contact us today.