Stem Cell Therapy and Heart Disease: Reducing Your Risk of Cardiac Event

There have been a lot of advances in stem cell research, and one of the areas that has seen recent activity is the fight against heart disease. Stem cells can be used to repair the heart muscle after it has been damaged by a heart attack. This can help reduce the risk of a future cardiac event. The research is ongoing, but it shows promise, and clinical trials are continually being executed.
Where the Stem Cells Come From
Stem cells used in the fight against heart disease are harvested in different ways. Some of the researchers using stem cells for heart disease are harvesting the stem cells from the patient’s own bone marrow. This is a good option, because there is no risk of rejection and it is completely ethical.
However, some researchers are using donated stem cells. Donated stem cells can come from a number of ethical sources. These involve healthy, voluntary donors. In some cases, stem cells may be harvested from a close relative of the patient.
How Stem Cell Therapy Works
The research has all proven that stem cells can help repair the heart muscle after a heart attack. Bone marrow stem cells have been found to repair the vessels in the heart. Some researchers are also looking at injecting stem cells into engineered scaffolding and placing it within the heart to repair the heart muscle. The research has been promising and clinical trials are still ongoing, but stem cells may be a viable solution to heart disease.
If you are interested in clinical trials using stem cells for heart disease, use our website to find doctor’s and research centers using this groundbreaking medical technology.