Why Stem Cells? The Research Speaks For Itself

There is no denying that stem cells have revolutionized the medical industry in numerous ways. Every day, headlines such as “Stem Cell Therapy for Autism Shows Promise” and “Ground-Breaking Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis Has Man Running Again” grace the news. Amazingly enough, these headlines aren’t just hype. Since stem cells have the unique ability to develop into other types of cells and tissues, they have been successfully utilized to heal the body in unprecedented ways.
Recent Research Regarding Stem Cells’ Impact on the Body
Stem cell research has significantly expanded in past years, as scientists and medical experts seek to uncover the true extent of the power of stem cells to heal the body. This is especially true when it comes to musculoskeletal conditions like joint pain. According to biomedical engineers at Johns Hopkins University like Jennifer Elisseeff, Ph.D., “We’ve already used adult stem cells to create tissue resembling cartilage…. We think we’ve come up with a clinically practical way to deliver the cells to the site of an injury, where they can grow to replace injured bone or cartilage.”
Another study, titled “Current Concepts: The Role of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in the Management of Knee Osteoarthritis,” concluded that MSCs have the potential for improving function and decreasing inflammation in the joints of animals, which can transfer over into human patients. This type of research continues to flourish as experts learn more about the use of stem cells in the body and the best ways to apply them for healing.
For example, Samumed, a $12 billion biotech company in San Diego, has raised $300 million in investment funding, much of which has been devoted to help people with osteoarthritis regrow cartilage in their knees. The study is currently in phase III trial and is reported to have very promising results that will soon become widely accessible to the general public. There are hundreds of similar studies currently underway, and each brings stem cell use for musculoskeletal diseases one step closer to being FDA-approved.
Benefits of Using Stem Cells to Heal the Body
There are numerous benefits to using stem cell therapy in place of more invasive options like joint replacement surgery. More than anything else, stem cell treatment is highly sought after because it can reduce pain, increase range of motion, and accelerate healing in a simple yet effective manner. Stem cells are harvested and then administered to the site of injury using a quick injection. The joints and body as a whole do not have to endure a difficult recovery period or risk implant rejection. Instead, progress steadily strengthens over the span of weeks and months until the treated area of the body feels nearly like new!
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