Techniques That Support Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell therapy offers an incredible and unprecedented medical opportunity for people suffering from chronic musculoskeletal pain to finally attain the relief that they have been seeking. Unlike medications and physical therapy, stem cell therapy actually targets and repairs the body’s damaged tissues in order to minimize and eliminate pain altogether. However, it’s counterproductive to view stem cell therapy as a magical elixir that can produce impressive results regardless of other health factors within the body. In order to support stem cell therapy and encourage optimal results, it is wise to take certain diet, exercise, nutritional, and sleep measures. This will ensure that the body can utilize the stem cell therapy for everything it is worth.
Stick To An Anti-Inflammatory Diet
Inflammation is one of the core causes of damage to the body at the cellular level. Stem cell therapy plays an important role in reducing inflammation in the body, which in turn supports the healing process. However, eating a diet high in foods that cause inflammation will weaken the overall impact stem cells can have on the body. This is why it is so important to follow an anti-inflammatory diet before and after stem cell treatment.
Packaged and processed foods are the most common culprits of inflammation, and their food coloring, preservatives, trans fats, and added sugars are breeding grounds for illness. Stay away from pasta, bagels, soda, energy drinks, artificial sweeteners, and vegetable or corn oil. Instead, select whole foods that nourish the body, such as nuts and seeds, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, lean meats, and whole grains. The same principles should be applied to beverages. Water and tea are the safest choices, since many other drinks are secretly laden with sugar and artificial ingredients.
Focus on Sleep and Exercise
In addition to properly feeding the body, strategic sleep and exercise habits can also extend the impact of stem cell treatment. Daily exercise helps fight inflammation, gives the body an extra boost of power, and improves blood circulation, all of which will supercharge the healing process. Similarly, sleeping from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. gives the body restorative rest, during which it can battle inflammation, release hormones that are critical to overall health, and generally recuperate.
Utilize Supplements For Their Intended Purpose
Steer clear of anti-inflammatory medications, and opt instead for natural supplements that help the body thrive. Curcumin, fish oil, glucosamine, bromelain are all important anti-inflammatory supplements that will help the body remain most receptive to the work that stem cells need to do. This type of precaution will help stem cell therapy truly transform the body.