What You Need to Know About Stem Cell Therapy and Eye Disease

Research is well underway to find out if stem cell therapy can improve, or even cure a variety of eye disorders, including:
- Macular degeneration
- Congenital cataracts
- Inherited retinal diseases
- Glaucoma
- Retinitis pigmentosa
- Limbal stem cell deficiency
- Corneal diseases
So far, results and findings have been very promising. Stem cell therapy is being used to successfully restore vision for countless people all over the U.S. In fact, back in 2016, a stem cell therapy study successfully restored the vision in 12 infants who were blinded by congenital cataracts!
The method used to administer stem cells during therapy for eye disorders depends on the nature of the condition. For example, in macular degeneration, stem cells are injected into the layer of cells under the photoreceptors, known as the retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. The idea is that the stem cells will differentiate into more RPE cells, replacing the destroyed ones and reversing the effects of this age-related condition.
On the other hand, for some corneal conditions, the limbal stem cells that exist naturally on the cornea are harvested and grown in a lab, then replaced onto the cornea.This allows the corneal cells to be grown in a controlled environment with a better cell proliferation rate.
It’s important to note that while stem cell therapy for eye conditions has restored people’s vision and improved their quality of life, it is also not FDA-approved. Only clinical trials and research studies are currently in progress to study the effects of stem cells on these eye conditions, and it will likely be many more years before definitive evidence confirms what we are all hoping for: that stem cells are a multipurpose treatment for a multitude of illnesses, diseases, and conditions.
When you’re ready to speak with a stem cell therapy practitioner about the possible benefits of treatment for your eye condition, use our free and convenient search tool at www.regenerativemedicinenow.com to find one near you. You can search by condition, specialty, procedure, and more. Your vision is important — do all you can to preserve or restore it with quality regenerative medicine practices from qualified providers.